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Northfield-based Kraft Foods Inc., the largest exhibitor at the annual FMI show, unveiled 70 new foods and beverages with emphasis on health and wellness (such as Kraft LiveActive Cheese with probiotics and prebiotic fiber for digestive health), premium taste (such as Kraft Bistro Deluxe Pastas with sundried tomatoes, portobello mushrooms and Asiago cheese), quick meals (DiGiorno Ultimate Pizza) and snacking (Nabisco Oreo Cakesters with Oreo creme sandwiched between two chocolate cakes).

"Kraft is building on its broad base of better-for-you foods and beverages that help consumers live healthier lifestyles," said Mary Anne McAndrew, showing off new Kraft products that included South Beach Diet Chicken Salad Kits (Santa Fe Style and Cranberry Walnut featured in Outta the Box, see top right story) with fewer than 300 calories each, Grey Poupon Specialty Mustards (Harvest Coarse Ground, Hearty Spicy Brown and Savory Honey), Jell-O Fruit Fusions Gelatin (blackberry, melon and tropical), and Balance Organic Bars (cherry almond, apricot mango and cranberry pomegranate).

Other new products showcased at FMI included:


- From Sunsweet: Smart Snacks including Chocolate Plum Sweets, Mediterranean Apricots, Cherry Essence Prunes; Ones (20 individually wrapped prunes), and PlumSmart Light 100 Percent Plum Juice…

From Smucker's: Organic flavors including Blackberry Preserves, Orange Marmalade, Strawberry Preserves, Concord Grape Jelly, and Red Raspberry Preserves as well as Sugar-Free Caramel Topping and Sugar-Free Hot Fudge Topping. 

Source:   Thorn Clark, Sandy.  "Food industry keeps focus on health - Trade show reveals continued trend toward less fat, sugar, calories.”  Chicago Sun-Times, The.  9 May 2007, Food: S3.  Access World News.  NewsBank. University of Texas at San Antonio, John Peace Library. San Antonio, TX. 17 Apr 2009 

Excerpt:   Tropical Foods is showing a taste for change. 

The Charlotte snackmaker, best known for producing packaged bulk nuts, dried fruits and snack mixes, is introducing about a dozen new products this year — from Buffalo Nuts to all-organic snacks. 

Company officials say they’ve avoided a downturn in revenue by developing products aimed at American diners’ choosy palates. 

“We want to target new trends and the sectors of customers that follow them,” says Arnie Stone, Tropical’s vice president. “We’re becoming more of a branded manufacturer than in the past.”

“People are really into bold flavors right now,” Stone says. “The U.S. population is traveling more and they want to try new things. It’s no longer good enough to have Chinese flavors. It has to be from a certain province.” 

Some of the new products recently or soon to be unveiled include: 

-Artisan Creations line of snacks, including buffalo, wasabi soy sauce, coffee, and peanut butter and jelly flavors. 



Go far enough down the jelly aisle and you might find some onion jam sitting next to the strawberry and grape preserves. 

Go a bit farther and, alas, there's red pepper jelly. 

It used to be that spreads such as onion or pepper weren't commonplace beyond farmers markets and gourmet specialty stores, local jam makers say. 

But now you can find them at the local grocer. 

"They're making a comeback," said Eve Felder, chef and associate dean for The Culinary Institute of America, based in Hyde Park, N.Y. 

Jellies, jams and preserves made from things other than sweet fruits can go great with meats and cheeses, Felder said. 

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